Isotropy group on some topological transformation group structures
This paper explores the topological properties of irresolute topological groups, their quotient maps, and the role of topology in normal subgroups. It provides a detailed analysis\linebreak using examples and counterexamples. The study focuses on the essential features of irresolute topological groups and their quotient groups, for understanding the topological aspects of isotropy groups. For a trans\-for\-ma\-tion group $(\mathsf{H}, \mathsf{Y}, \psi)$ and a point $y \in \mathsf{Y},$ the set
\centerline{$\mathsf{H}_{y} = \{h \in \mathsf{H} \colon hy = y\}$}
\noi consisting of elements of $\mathsf{H}$ that fix $y$, is called the isotropy group at $y$.
The paper highlights the distinct topological characteristics of isotropy groups in transformation group structure. It demonstrates that if $(\mathsf{H}, \mathsf{Y}, \psi)$ is an Irr$^{*}$-topological transformation group, then $( \mathsf{H}/ \mathop{Ker} \psi, \mathsf{Y}, \overline{\psi})$ forms an effective Irr$^{*}$-topological transformation group. By investigating both irresolute topological groups and isotropy groups, the study provides a clear understanding of their topological features. This research improves our understanding of these groups by offering clear examples and counterexamples, leading to a thorough conclusion about their different topological features.
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